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Why You Should Consider Paintless Dent Removal

It's not pretty when you find out that your car got scraped by a deer. The damage might look like something out of an apocalypse movie, but hope is still good. A paintless dent removal service can help you identify and repair the exact problem before it costs you money or time. Here are some of the best reasons to consider getting a paint-less dent removal service by Panel Beaters in Melbourne for your car.

It offers peace of mind.

When your car gets scraped by a deer, you don't worry about it. The infection will be gone in a few days, and you'll be able to start worrying about other things. With a Panel Beaters Melbourne's paintless dent removal service, though, you worry about it the entire time. Every scratch, dent, scratch mark, and gouge is carefully and meticulously examined by the technicians who specialize in the procedure. If there's a problem, they'll know exactly where to look and what they'll need to do to fix it. That peace of mind is great when you're shopping for car repairs and want to make sure nothing major is wrong with your ride before bringing it to the garage.

It can increase the resale value of your car.

When your car gets scraped by a deer, there's a chance that the dent will be permanent. You can't take it to a car repair shop because they'll just buff it out with sandpaper and steel wool. Your best bet is to find a nearby auto glass shop and have the dent repaired, but it won't improve the resale value of your car. What it will do, though, is give your car a professional looking clean slate for potential new buyers to see. When people see that your car is in great shape and that it was only scraped by a deer once, they're more likely to make a purchase decision based on that fact. If they see that your car is in good shape but has a few minor dings and scratches, they might still choose to look past those and make a purchase decision based on your car's cosmetic condition. By contrast, when a car gets nicked by a deer but has sustained no damage other than the one caused by a deer, the repair bill can end up being quite expensive. A paint-less dent removal service can save you from having to fork over big dollars to get your car back to stock condition.

Paint-less dent removal is Eco-friendly, too.

When a car gets scraped by a deer, the significant dent made causes significant pollution. The driver and passengers need to take special precautions while using their car after the incident. The upshot of all this is that cleaning your car after a deer accident is both times consuming and expensive. In some cases, it can cost as much as hiring a car wash, which is clearly not worth the effort. Even though painless dent removal is not a new practice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is still learning the best practices for the procedure.

As a result, some dent less cars end up with paint on the lenses and elsewhere that causes pollution after the fact. With a painless dent removal service, though, the technicians use safe and Eco-friendly cleaning solutions that don't pollute the air or leave behind any harmful residue. By contrast, when a car gets nicked by a deer but does not sustain any other damage, the repair bill can end up being quite expensive. A painless dent removal service can save you from having to fork over big dollars to get your car back to stock condition.

You save money by getting your car fixed before you drive it again.

When you have to tow behind you and your passengers are telling you to "just pull it back," you know that the car is in need of a tune-up, too. It doesn't have to be the engine that's beyond repair, though. The brakes need attention, the lights need replacing, and the tires need rotating. The fact that you have to pull it back and drop it off at the shop later doesn't help that much, either. The truth is that your car is probably in worse shape than what you see from the front. The repair bill could very well end up being more than the car is worth, meaning that you've just wasted money. By getting your car fixed by an auto repair shop before you drive it, you save money and avoid having to pay for major repairs that you could have prevented by following basic auto maintenance rules.

What you need to know about paint-less dent removal

Paint-less dent removal isn't a new idea, but it has a new generation of technicians who are experts at the procedure. One of the biggest differences between today's technicians and those who came before them is that they no longer scratch the car while they work. What they used to do, though, is a little gross. Today's technicians get into the nitty-gritty of cleaning the car and getting rid of all traces of the damage caused by the animal. They use chemicals and machines to remove every trace of the animal that caused the damage and leave the car ready to be driven.


When you find out that your car got scraped by a deer, it's not pretty. The damage might look like something out of an apocalypse movie, but hope is still good. A paint-less dent removal service by Panel Beaters Melbourne can help you identify and repair the exact problem before it costs you money or time. Here are some of the best reasons to consider getting a paint-less dent removal service for your car.

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